Cofece has 25 investigations in key markets as it moves towards its extinction • Uncategorized • Forbes México


The Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) reported that while its disappearance is taking place, it maintains around 25 investigations in ongoing sectors in crucial sectors for the well-being of consumers and the development of a fair and inclusive economy.

He added that it also vents the analysis of more than 150 merger operations, equivalent to about 10% of Mexico’s GDP, to prevent practices that could affect families.

This was announced this Monday in a statement about the transition period towards the new competition authority, after the approval of the organic simplification reform.

He said that the 2025 Expenditure Budget allocates less than a third of the originally requested budget to the regulator to fulfill its powers.

“Given the limited transition budget approved for 2025, Cofece is taking extraordinary measures so that the assigned resources guarantee, to the extent possible, the continuity of its powers and procedures until they are transferred to the new competition authority,” he said. .

He recalled that the reform establishes the creation of a new authority with technical and operational autonomy that will assume its functions. However, he added, until the secondary laws come into force and the change is formalized, he will seek to ensure an orderly and coordinated transition.

Read: Cofece sanctions Walmart with 93.4 million pesos for monopolistic practices

“Cofece has a firm commitment to providing certainty to investments that generate employment and growth in the country, as well as continuity to its procedures in order to investigate and combat abusive practices by companies,” he stated.

He reiterated his willingness to work with the government agencies involved, guaranteeing sufficient resources to provide continuity to the substantive processes underway and provide certainty to investment in the country.

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