Colombia expects investment of more than 8 million dollars after business conference in Mexico • International • Forbes Mexico


Colombia expects to receive more than eight million dollars in investments in tourism after a macro business conference held in Mexico, in which more than a thousand appointments were made to attract tourism, investments and exports.

“In the tourism area, 266 business appointments were completed, which left a balance of 8.1 million dollars in expectations, while there were 86 appointments with investors that left 67 investment business opportunities,” the state promotion agency summarized this Wednesday. tourism and investment, ProColombia.

The International Macroround ‘Colombia, the country of beauty’ took place on November 11 and 12 at the World Trade Center in Mexico City and focused on tourism as well as investments and exports.

“This first experience of bringing the three axes and the Country Brand in a single international macro-roundtable allows us to show how ProColombia works to promote the country in different markets, allowing entrepreneurs to have direct meetings with buyers and investors in an environment created especially for their benefit,” explained the director of ProColombia, Carmen Caballero.

In tourism, there were 266 meetings between 56 businessmen: 24 Mexican buyers and 32 exporters from eight departments. The departments that benefited the most were Cundinamarca, Bolívar and Antioquia.

Investments and exports

In addition to tourism, investments and exports are the other two axes of this business event, which according to Caballero “will open new doors and strengthen relations between Mexico and Colombia,” and also had a positive result.

The sector with the most interest was fashion, where investments of more than 16 million dollars are expected, followed by metalworking and industry, with 11.61 million, and chemicals and science with 8.2 million.

Mexico, host country of this event, was the most interested in investments, followed by the United States, Chile and Bolivia.

On the other hand, in investments there were 86 meetings between 14 investors from three countries and 18 Colombian companies from 10 departments.

“The sectors that aroused the most interest were agribusiness, manufacturing, infrastructure, information technologies and creative industries and energy; and the departments of the country that generated the most opportunities were Cundinamarca, Antioquia, Atlántico, Quindío and Valle del Cauca,” ProColombia added.

With information from EFE.

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