Concanaco Servytur • Economy and finance • Forbes México


The next festival of the Virgin of Candelaria, on February 2, will generate an economic benefit of more than 1.5 billion pesos nationwide, said the National Confederation of Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (CONCANACO SERVYTUR).

This figure, said the business group, reflects the direct impact of the consumption of tamales, atole and the purchase of clothing for the “God Children.”

The celebration of Candlemas Day represents one of the most deeply rooted traditions of Mexican culture and, in turn, an important source of economic benefits at the national level, as stated by Octavio de la Torre, president of the organization.

According to estimates, the consumption of tamales and atole is expected to generate an economic benefit of 1.2 billion pesos, while the purchase of clothing and alterations for the Niño Dios could reach 300 million pesos.

De la Torre also highlighted the fundamental role that formal family businesses, especially businesses, play in energizing the economy during this date, not only as a cultural event, but as a key trigger for commercial activities in various sectors.

According to data provided by the Ministry of Tourism (SECTUR), in 2024 Mexico City registered an economic impact of more than 250 million pesos, where 180 million corresponded to the sale of tamales and atole, and 70 million to the sale of clothing. and arrangements for the God Children.

This consumption scenario is not exclusive to the capital, since, in states like Veracruz, the festival contributed 60 million pesos in economic benefits.

Additionally, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) reveals that approximately 13,000 formal family businesses are dedicated to the production and marketing of tamales, a figure that doubles if the number of informal businesses is considered. This activity generates employment for thousands of Mexicans and, currently, more than 40 million people consume at least one tamale a day, which means that, during this festival, consumption triples, considering that the cost per tamale on average It is 15 pesos.

From CONCANACO SERVYTUR, the group said, the efforts of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are highlighted, as well as family businesses, which are the driving force behind this type of celebrations.

Candlemas Day, he added, is a clear example of the impact that the informal economy has on the daily lives of Mexicans, and in turn, demonstrates the importance of formalizing these businesses to provide them with greater opportunities for growth and competitiveness.

“From our confederation, we are committed to supporting all sectors, particularly microenterprises and family businesses that give life to this tradition. The economic impact figures reflect the relevance of our companies in the generation of employment, wealth and, above all, in the preservation of our customs. It is crucial that we continue promoting public policies that favor the formality and competitiveness of these economic actors, who are the basis of the Mexican economy,” said Octavio de la Torre, president of the organization.

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