Corruption deepens inequality and violence against women in Mexico, they warn activists • Forbes Women • Forbes Mexico


Civil and collective organizations in Mexico warned on Tuesday the impact of corruption on the lives of women in their diversity, who face greater risk of violence and more inequality in access to rights and services.

“Corruption does not affect all people equally. Their effects fall with greater force on women in their diversity and on historically vulnerabilized groups, ”said Pamela López Castro, during the presentation of the network weaving anti -corruption, within the framework of 8M in the Mexican capital.

The activist stated that these effects remain invisible both in the public debate and in the responses of the State, in addition to this problem is considered exclusively institutional, with economic impacts.

“But corruption is not a distant phenomenon, it crosses our daily life, our bodies-territory and deepens structural inequalities,” said the member of the Controlgobrender Civil Association, which composes the network along with 11 other NGOs and groups.

Sarah Guarneros, from Redefine Puebla, indicated that these effects perpetuate violence, lack of justice and denial of damage repair, which many women face, who are “exposed to endless cycles of oppression and vulnerability.”

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“This reality demands clear and forceful responses, which not only make these injustices visible, but also implement effective measures to reduce corruption and guarantee justice, repair and protection of women’s human rights in their diversity,” Guarneros warned.

During the forum ‘Interting Anti -Corruption: spinning new actions for the guarantee of women’s human rights in their diversity’, activists detailed that you are differentiated effects from corruption are reflected in inequality in access to rights and services.

For example, when corruption affects public services, such as access to water or medical care, women usually assume more care tasks to replace those deficiencies.

They are also evidenced in the risk of violence and coercion, which is greater among women, who are disproportionately affected by corruption in the justice system, since they have less power or way of denouncing abuses, as in cases of “sexants”, where sexual favors such as bribery are required.

They also indicated that women face greater economic vulnerability and less access to decent jobs, in addition to corruption limits opportunities for participation in decision -making spaces.

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Xóchitl Rodríguez, from Balance, added that “the full guarantee of human rights is an unattainable objective while corruption persists, because it weakens the foundations of justice and respect for good living.”

Therefore, the anti -corruption proposal of the network, seeks to establish a set of positions, actions, tools and mechanisms to prevent and eradicate the practices caused by corruption, in addition to repairing the violations lived and eliminating its effects.

The organizations and groups that make up the network are: balance, bios. Political participation and development, feminist collective of the Huasteca ‘Tetik Siuatl’, group Woman and Utopia, Controlgúmbreno, National Coordinator of Indigenous Women, founding. Analysis and Research Center, youth for integral health, Sabinas, MX and Redefine Puebla.

With Reuters information

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