cosmetics producers • Business • Forbes Mexico


If they want to be successful, the new authorities in Mexico must open their doors to the industrial sector, according to Carlos Berzunza, president of the National Chamber of the Cosmetic Products Industry (Canipec).

“In a year of change of government like this one we are having, it is important for us to generate communication with the authorities,” he commented in a talk with Forbes.

The 68 union members in Canipec, which represent 1.9% of the country’s manufacturing GDP, have expressed their intentions to talk with some of the new leaders of government agencies and institutes, with the aim of boosting their businesses, but also for the well-being of the community. population and the national economy.

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“Public policy has a much greater chance of success when there is a dialogue between regulator and regulated; At the end of the day, making public policy decisions without considering who has to comply with them rarely gives good results,” Berzunza stated.

Thus, a priority on Canipec’s agenda is to delve into health, sustainability and trade issues.

“We form a sector with a relevant trade activity, so we are interested in participating in international trade negotiation processes,” said the leader of the industry that in Mexico is dedicated to home care.

The review of the Free Trade Agreement with the US is a priority, he pointed out.

“We are seeking rapprochement with the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be present in these dialogues,” he stated.

And he insisted that if the government is in contact with the productive sectors, it will obtain the best inputs to defend the country’s positions.

When the person who will be in charge of Cofepris is named, Canipec will also seek a rapprochement, according to Berzunza.

And in terms of health, the group seeks to create a regulatory framework that makes it easier for consumers to have access to innovative products that improve their quality of life.

“With Cofepris we will be close to seek a work agenda in which we can contribute with the authority to put regulation where necessary, to push that in Mexico we are updated in international standards, replicating what has been effective to protect consumers” Berzunza completed.

Canipec generates about 250 thousand jobs, both direct and indirect, and last year it reached sales of 400 billion pesos.

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