The plenary of the Chamber of Deputies rejected the request for lawlessness against the Morenista Cuauhtémoc Blanco when considering the case as “notoriously inadmissible.”
With 291 votes in favor, 158 against and 12 abstentions, the deputies supported the former soccer player to retain his jurisdiction in the face of the accusations of his half -sister for alleged rape in the degree of attempt.
According to a political expansion note, the decision broke the Morena Unit, as a part supported the measure, while legislators demanded the former governor of Morelos requesting a license and staying like this without jurisdiction so as not to submit them to a “ideological” dilemma.
The media added that irregularly, outside the debate, Cuauhtémoc Blanco made use of the word from the tribune of the Chamber and offered to appear to the State Prosecutor’s Office, but did not give up the jurisdiction.
During the session, the PAN tried to stop the vote with a suspensive motion driven by Germán Martínez, who called to break the patriarchal pact and avoid the revictimization of the complainant. However, most Morena, PVEM and PRI chose to close the case, while PAN, MC and PT opposed, according to an Excelsior report.
Lee: Half sister of Cuauhtémoc Blanco denounces it for attempted rape
The Morelos Prosecutor’s Office can still request the lawlessness again to continue the legal process against it.
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