Donald Trump’s strategic chess: The queen (China)


Trump’s vision is based on the conviction that, over the years, China has taken advantage of the advantages of globalization to strengthen its economy and expand its presence in multiple regions of the world. Its rise, marked by the acquisition of strategic companies and investment in critical infrastructure, has generated misgivings in Washington, where Beijing is considered to have taken advantage of international rules without corresponding with the same opening in its markets.

For Trump, this commercial and technological asymmetry becomes unacceptable, as it endangers the superpower status that the United States has held for decades. Hence the decision to confront China directly, using tariffs and restrictive measures that pressure Beijing to balance the terms of trade.

The objective of this strategy is not only to contain the queen on the board, but also to reaffirm the position of the king, symbolized in the American economy which, according to Trump, must maintain its productive supremacy.

The promotion of the national manufacturing industry and the fight against the trade deficit become priorities, since it is estimated that the country’s internal strength guarantees the solidity with which it faces any external adversary. Thus, “America First” seeks to reintegrate factories that migrated to Asia and, in particular, to China, under the premise that industrial self-sufficiency translates into greater bargaining power and the reduction of vulnerabilities. This retreat towards domestic production, however, generates tensions between those who prefer free trade as the engine of the global economy and those who defend a more protectionist policy.

The clash between the king and the queen, therefore, goes beyond the merely commercial level and comes to encompass aspects of technological sovereignty. In Trump’s mind, allowing China to dominate key fields such as artificial intelligence, 5G or biotechnology poses a risk to American national security.

For this reason, it is committed to restricting Chinese investments in sensitive sectors and promoting local innovation. This scientific and technological race, while it can foster competition and development, also increases political tensions and the risk of greater segmentation of global markets. When the queen moves forward with cutting-edge projects, the king is forced to reinforce his defenses, in line with the philosophy that requires protecting the interests of the United States above all.

Meanwhile, the international framework is witnessing a rearrangement of alliances that revolves around the dichotomy between openness to Chinese influence or adherence to the containment strategy promoted by Trump. Some nations, especially in the Indo-Pacific, are weighing the convenience of moving closer to Beijing’s economic strength or remaining under the umbrella of security and cooperation with Washington. This scenario illustrates how the chess game not only involves the king and queen, but also the rest of the pieces that, aligned or divided, affect the effectiveness of each move.

Ultimately, the confrontation between the king and queen responds to the struggle for control of the world board. The “America First” doctrine stands as the guideline to safeguard American interests and limit Chinese expansion, with the intention of maintaining Washington’s supremacy. However, the global order is conditioned by economic interdependence, so a head-on clash can destabilize vital supply chains for both powers. The question is whether Trump’s strategy will manage to balance internal interests and the need to confront China without the entire board ending up cracking. Thus, while the king reinforces himself with tariff barriers and productive reforms, the queen continues to expand, explore new paths and challenge the dominance that the United States has held on the international stage.


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