‘Exponential CEO’, the leader who can change everything


Forbes Mexico.
‘Exponential CEO’, the leader who can change everything

By Óscar Jiménez*

In the era of constant disruption, the companies that prosper are not those that adapt slowly but those that lead the change with boldness. Behind these visionary organizations there is a new type of leader: the exponential CEO; He is not a traditional executive but an architect of the future, capable of transforming entire industries with an innovative mentality, the strategic use of technology and an obsession with impact.

Unlike conventional CEO that optimizes processes and manages efficiency, exponential CEO It has a completely different perspective:

  • Abundance mentality: instead of seeing limitations, identify opportunities.
  • Purpose as a growth engine: beyond financial benefit seeks to generate positive impact to great challenges.
  • Culture and brand: The pillars are based on an innovative and congruent culture, high performance and enhancing a great brand.
  • Agility and experimentation: instead of predictability, it adopts a culture of adaptability, proof and error, constantly items to accelerate innovation.
  • Construction of ecosystems: it does not work in Silos, but promotes collaboration with external.
  • Investing in the best talent: Understand that the most important investment is to have the best people, creating a talent seedbed.

Exponential leadership is not an innate talent but a mentality and a set of habits that can be developed. Here some key strategies:

  • Adopt disruption as a rule: instead of fear of change, see it as an opportunity to redefine industries.
  • Think 10x instead of 10%: instead of incremental improvements, look for solutions that multiply the impact by ten.
  • Invest in continuous learning: the world evolves rapidly; An exponential CEO is always updated.

As an example, Microsoft under the leadership of Steve Ballmer maintained his stagnant action for 14 years. When Satya Nadella arrived, the company faced a crisis of culture, purpose and growth without innovation. In 10 years, Satya transformed Microsoft from $ 300 billion to almost $ 3 trillions of value, multiplying by 10x and turning it into one of the leaders in Ia.

He focused on five pillars:

  • Dirsuptive Strategy
  • High Performance.
  • Mistake Rule.
  • Culture Shift – “Know-it-all” to “Learn-it-all”.
  • Leadership – Leaders Eat Last.

In a world where startups They challenge giants and the rules of the game constantly change, traditional leadership is no longer enough. Companies that want to transcend must adopt the exponential leadership model, and those who do not only survive but will define the future.


*Oscar Jiménez Rodríguez was co -founder and CEO of Spigen, as well as Thepowermba in Latin America, Cohost of Scalable Podcast, Venture Partner of Lotux VC, co -founder of Evervolve and professor of MBA in Center and ISDI.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OshcarJR 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscar-jr/

The opinions expressed are only the responsibility of their authors and are completely independent of the position and the editorial line ofForbes Mexico.

‘Exponential CEO’, the leader who can change everything
Guest Forbes


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