Fonadin plans to invest 9,527 million pesos in the expansion of a section of the Mexico-Querétaro highway


The National Infrastructure Fund (Fonadin) will invest 9,527 million pesos in the modernization and expansion to 12 lanes of a 62-kilometer section of the Mexico-Querétaro highway, which has deteriorated conditions that generate risky conditions for users.

“The expansion of the PC Palmillas-Querétaro section arises in response to the heavy vehicular load that this highway presents, being approximately 130 thousand vehicles per day,” reveals documentation in possession. Forbes Mexico.

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It adds that the current highway has sections that are in deteriorated conditions, which causes risky conditions to be generated for users.

The works consist of the demolition of pavements at street level in those sections where it is required, subsequently other activities will be carried out such as clearing, cutting and leveling, to make way for the construction of embankments, associated works and paving.

Due to its geographical location, Querétaro is in a privileged situation, as it communicates practically with the entire country, as well as with both sides, says Fonadin.

According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, Mexico is ranked 69th among 144 countries analyzed for the competitiveness of its infrastructure. At the sector level, it occupies 52nd place in roads, “reflecting that there is still much to do for Mexico to improve the quality of its infrastructure and its competitiveness,” he comments.

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The section of the Palmillas-Querétaro highway is traveled daily by 130,000 vehicles, which generates risky conditions and possible traffic jams, which generate a greater amount of gas and particle emissions, he adds.

It details that the implementation of the expansion of the Palmillas-Querétaro highway will allow the goods that are transported through the region to be mobilized in a more agile, timely, efficient, safe and lower cost manner, contributing significantly to increasing the competitiveness of the Municipalities involved and promoting the creation of more and better jobs.

“It is believed that with the expansion of the highway to 12 lanes there could be more positive socioeconomic impacts, attracting new economic units with the consequent supply of labor, at the same time, it could attract more inhabitants,” he details.

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The construction of road infrastructure not only positively impacts the economic sphere and development already described, it also implies a social and environmental cost derived, mainly, from the transfer of land, pollution from vehicles and their auxiliary activities, and traffic accidents. .

The expansion of the Mexico-Querétaro highway is located in a previously impacted and delimited area, so the activities that will be carried out will not generate additional impacts except for specific and temporary ones, such as gas and particle emissions and waste generation, concludes Fonadin.


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