Green Party proposes stopping commercial exploitation of dogs and cats in the country • Forbes Mexico


In order to combat the abuse and exploitation of dogs and cats, Senator Rocío Corona Nakamura, of the Green Party, presented an initiative to regulate the breeding and commercialization of these animals, because in Mexico there are around 28 million dogs. , of which, he said, 70% live in conditions of abandonment.

The legislator indicated that this reform, which modifies the seventh paragraph of article 87 Bis 2 of the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection, seeks to ensure that hatcheries comply with health regulations and guarantee the necessary care for each specimen, through insurance, policy or equivalent document, and only establishments that are authorized may engage in the breeding, marketing and reproduction of these animals.

“Mexico ranks first in Latin America in overpopulation of street dogs and third in animal abuse, an alarming situation for both humanitarian and public health reasons,” declared the senator.

In addition, it prohibits the sale of animals in markets and flea markets, with the aim that any dog ​​or cat sold is vaccinated, sterilized and in optimal health conditions.

The legislation also provides for the elimination of improvised farms, responsible for the overexploitation of females; allowing only those establishments with trained facilities and personnel to operate legally.

“In this way we move towards the eradication of animal abuse, ensuring that each specimen receives the dignified treatment it deserves,” he indicated.

“With the implementation of these measures, an important step is taken towards animal welfare and the eradication of abuse, ensuring that all animals receive the care they deserve and preventing uncontrolled overpopulation,” concluded Corona Nakamura,

The initiative was handed over to the United Commissions on the Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change; and Legislative Studies, First.


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