Greenpeace warns that COP16 in Colombia will measure Europe’s environmental ‘leadership’


The environmental organization Greenpeace called this Wednesday on the European Union to fulfill its global commitments on biodiversity and warned that the UN COP16 summit to be held in Cali will serve to measure whether the community bloc has the environmental leadership it boasts.

“Representatives of the European Commission will be in the spotlight. “Everyone will be watching to see how they deliver on their existing global commitments, but also whether they lead the way towards implementing the goals at home, accompanied by adequate funding,” Greenpeace activist Spela Bandelj Ruiz said in a statement.

The NGO added that “the European Union presents itself as a ‘leading actor in global biodiversity efforts and negotiations’, but after failing to achieve its biodiversity targets for 2020 it now risks failing to meet its biodiversity targets for 2030.”

“His leadership will be tested at the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16) from October 21 to November 1, 2024 in Cali, Colombia,” Greenpeace added.

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The environmental organization disgraced the community bloc that “less than half” of its member states have presented “new national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAP) to implement the commitments they made under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.” agreed at COP15 held in Canada.

Furthermore, there are EU countries that “do not sufficiently support international biodiversity efforts through their financial contributions towards the agreed commitment of $20 billion by 2025,” Greenpeace added.

“No more empty promises without action (…). The EU must prioritize confronting the climate and ecological crisis, and ensure a just transition for local communities and their economic well-being,” summarized Bandelj Ruiz.

With information from EFE.

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