How an entrepreneur sold millions in properties with an innovative model


In the business world, the stories of resilience and creativity always capture attention, but few do so in a forceful way as the trajectory of Juan Gutiérrez, an entrepreneur from Yucatan who has sold more than one billion pesos in real estate a disruptive model of real estate intermediation.

Its route demonstrates several ways to reach success, but also offers invaluable lessons on how failures can become the best teachers.

An origin marked by adversity

Juan Gutiérrez grew in a home where economic difficulties were the bread of every day. His family was on the verge of losing his home when his father lost his job. However, this experience instilled an unwavering determination and a clear vision for his future.

“I never managed to get a job in the health sector, despite being a good student. My only option was to undertake, ”Juan recalls. With only 22 years and without initial capital, he decided to venture into the business world. A particular book, Rich father, poor fatherhe reached his hands at the right time, inspired to change course and throw himself into the business challenge.

From selling poorly cooked Pays to finance your education to start a digital agency without prior experience, Juan’s first steps were full of challenges, but also with learning.

Failures that became lessons

Juan’s path was not exempt from failures. One of the most difficult moments was his foray into the show business, which left him deeply indebted. Subsequently, he tried to undertake in New York, where he gathered a million pesos between savings and loans. However, the experience was bitter: he faced discrimination and discovered that he did not have the competitive level for that market.

“We return to Mexico indebted, but with much higher standards. That experience prepared us to face new challenges with a completely different mentality, ”says Juan.

The final turn came during the pandemic, when he had to fire 70% of his staff and reinvent his business model. It was then that he decided to bet on electronic commerce and, together with his partner, founded an investment school called Wealth beings. What began as an experiment of 2,000 students in their first year, became a giant with more than 42,000 students in just four years.

The strategy behind success

Juan attributes his success to a combination of innovative strategies and a client -centered mentality. Among the pillars of your business model stand out:

  • Efficient acquisition of customers: With an effective marketing approach, he managed to attract students without affecting cash flow.
  • Scalable operations: Designed a structure that operated as economies of scale, optimizing financial costs and decisions.
  • Listen to the client: By maintaining constant contact with his community, he managed to increase entry by student and open new business opportunities.

These principles not only promoted the growth of his investment school, but also allowed him to venture into the real estate sector in a disruptive way. Thanks to the confidence generated with their students, he was able to connect directly to developers with investors before even the projects reaching the presale stage. This model benefited both parties: developers reduced costs and uncertainty, while customers obtained better prices and financing.

The result: millions of pesos were generated in real estate sold as real estate intermediation.

Educational innovation with technology

With the accumulated experience and a specialized education that includes executive programs in institutions such as IPADE and MIT, Juan is taking his vision to the next level, with two new projects:

My investment mentor It is an educational platform that unites artificial intelligence with financial education programs. Students will not only learn theory, but can also apply concepts directly in their personal finances.

Greatness Institute, where together with their partner they are creating a community of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who teach how to create patrimonial strategies for their businesses.

    “My goal is that more and more families have the opportunity to prepare their future and improve their quality of life. I want investment education to be accessible to all, ” Juan explains.

    Life lessons and a legacy under construction

    When asked what drives him, Juan proudly remembers his father, who fought tirelessly to get his family forward. “I am convinced that our childhood would have been much more prosperous if my parents had access to the information we offer today on our platform.”

    Juan Gutiérrez’s legacy is reflected in the thousands of students who have gone through their programs. Its true contribution is to demonstrate that financial education and technology can transform lives, break poverty cycles and open new opportunities for future generations.

    In a world where disruption and innovation are key, Juan Gutiérrez has shown how determination, continuous learning and commitment to a vision can reach their goals, but also change the lives of thousands of people. Without a doubt, its history will continue to inspire entrepreneurs and families to build a better future.

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