How to lock in the lower rate


The cost of avoiding airport lines is about to rise.

Membership prices for the expedited security program Global Entry are increasing for the first time ever, from $100 to $120 for both new members and renewals, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

However, the price hike takes effect Oct. 1, so you can still lock in the current price by applying or renewing before then. Keep in mind that you can only renew a year in advance, so if your current membership is valid beyond October 2025, the higher fee will apply.

While adults can save by renewing before Oct. 1, it’s better to wait if you have kids. From Oct. 1, children under 18 will no longer have to pay the $100 membership fee.

How the Global Entry program works

Global Entry is a widely-used program that allows expedited border crossing for low-risk travelers entering the United States.

Memberships last five years, allowing travelers to skip long customs lines and, for U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, includes TSA PreCheck, which provides faster security lanes at select airports, speeding up the screening process for domestic flights.

To be eligible for Global Entry, you must pass a background check for criminal or customs violations and complete an in-person interview. During the interview, you’ll be asked to submit biometric data, including fingerprints and a photo, and answer questions about your travel history.

Renewals follow a similar, more simplified process and won’t necessarily require an interview.

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Along with Global Entry, fees for other Trusted Traveler Programs are also rising, according to U.S. customs. NEXUS, which offers expedited entry from Canada, and SENTRI, providing expedited entry from both Canada and Mexico, will also increase to $120 as of Oct 1.

Eligibility for Trusted Traveler Programs, including Global Entry, is open to U.S. citizens, U.S. lawful permanent residents, and citizens of select countries. Applicants generally need a valid passport, another form of ID, and must pass a background check.

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