Hurricane John displaces hundreds of families from Acapulco a month after its passage


Hurricane John displaced hundreds of families in Acapulco, where the damage remains this Friday after almost a month of the cyclone, which left almost 30 dead throughout the country.

The Civil Protection authorities declared five neighborhoods in Acapulco uninhabitable or at high risk, so between 200 and 300 homes will have to relocate after the hurricane, which made landfall as a category 3 on September 23, something that was not predicted in a start.

This is the case of the residents of Niño Perdido street, in the Ampliación La Libertad neighborhood, where in seconds at least 50 homes were destroyed and the area was left uninhabitable.

Claudia Ramírez Hernández, who has been living with her husband for 29 years, said that this was her dream, to have a house where she could live as she liked, but everything changed after the large amount of water that fell, the mud that invaded her home and the stones that destroyed its wall.

He also lost a truck, furniture such as the bed, living room, kitchen, and dishes, and almost a month after the hurricane rains, his house is still full of mud, destroyed and uninhabitable.

“It is very sad because it is our 29-year heritage that I have been married to my husband, and it is practically thrown into the trash. Who wants to go? But it is also very dangerous for us to stay here,” he said.

The woman recognizes that it is dangerous to continue living there, but asks the authorities to relocate her to a nearby place, since her life and job is in that area, and they must continue working to buy their belongings again.

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Hurricane John displaces hundreds of families from Acapulco a month after its passage

Nayeli Abarca Millán, a single mother who left her home with her children, as well as other relatives such as her brother and her elderly uncles, lamented the “very serious” situation they are experiencing.

“We are sheltered with some relatives, my uncles are with some neighbors, some turned to the shelter, but we are still here, with support from neighbors who were not harmed by the landslide and have opened their doors to help us,” he said.

He assured that municipal and state authorities have already come to talk, but so far there is no more progress because they have not been given a date or place to move.

“We would like something closer, more than anything because they are elderly and we would also like something better so that we no longer run the risk,” he mentioned.

The neighborhood still does not have electricity, drinking water, telephone or garbage collection, and only machinery has come to take away two trucks of sand, although the large stones continue.

Municipal authorities indicated that they are already talking with the federal Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu), which will be in charge of relocating all the people and building the houses.

With information from EFE

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