IFT conditions the acquisition of a portion of Altán Redes by CFE • Technology • Forbes México


The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) authorized the CFE to indirectly acquire a 23.8% stake in the wholesale telecom services company Altán Redes, as long as the national electricity company renounces its wholesale commercial concession.

The regulator, which is about to disappear, indicated in a statement that the operation approved by its plenary session does not give the state company control over Altán Redes.

He recalled that Altán Redes is the holder of a wholesale concession and is responsible for the installation and operation of the Red Compartida, with which wholesale telecommunications services are offered, including, among others, connectivity for the provision of mobile telephony and internet access.

In 2022 Altán Redes was rescued from bankruptcy by the López Obrador government, who argued that a bankruptcy would greatly affect the objective of communicating the entire country with the internet.

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Altán Redes is a public-private company resulting from the 2013 telecommunications reform. Its goal is to connect 92.2% of Mexicans, reduce the digital divide and promote greater competition.

Virtual Mobile Operators such as Bait or Izzi Móvil are part of the more than 130 that offer retail services through the Red Compartida managed by Altán Redes, according to company information.

On the other hand, CFE provides non-profit retail mobile telephone and internet access services through its subsidiary CFE Telecomunicaciones e Internet para Todos (CFE TIT).

The IFT explained that with the objective of preserving competition, free competition and the principle of neutrality to competition, it conditioned the concentration on CFE renouncing its wholesale commercial concession so that it ceases to be a telecommunications service provider (PST). .

With the above, the legal obligation is safeguarded that no PST has influence on the operation of the Red Compartida.

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Another condition of the IFT seeks that there be an independent operation between Altán Redes and CFE TIT in the supply of telecommunications services, so the exchange of information that generates discriminatory treatment by Altán and/or the applicants for services must be avoided. telecommunications wholesalers.

In addition, Altán Redes and CFE respond to all requests for access to the telecommunications services they provide in non-discriminatory terms, considering that both parties provide services to each other and have public participation.

The IFT added that the conditions established in the concession titles of Altán and CFE TIT related to the purpose of preserving the principle of neutrality to competition are maintained.

He explained that these conditions are intended to prevent distortions from being generated in the markets, particularly discriminatory treatment by Altán, CFE and CFE TEIT to applicants for wholesale telecommunications services and related services.

It also seeks to prevent these interest groups from providing their services under terms and conditions that impose barriers to entry, or that prevent access to said services.

The institute specified that the parties involved must accept the conditions imposed within a period of 20 days, or else the operation will not be authorized.

With information from Francisco Rivera

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