IFT warns that budget cuts put the rights of its staff at risk • Economy and finance • Forbes México


The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) warned that the cut of more than 70% to the budget requested for 2025 puts at risk not only the operation of the organization, but also the labor rights of its staff.

The reduction to 500 million pesos approved by the Chamber of Deputies represents less than 10% of the budget approved for 2014, considering an accumulated inflation of 62% from January of that year to last November, the regulator said in a statement.

The IFT pointed out that the reduction directly affects the ability to comply with its constitutional mandates and international commitments, such as those established in the USMCA.

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The organization detailed that with the allocated budget, fundamental projects must be canceled or limited, including:

  • ENDUTIH: the National Survey on Availability and Use of Information Technologies, useful for the design of public policies on the digital divide.
  • PRORADIO: support for indigenous and Afro-Mexican communities to obtain radio broadcasting concessions, which will affect the preservation of their languages ​​and customs.
  • Maintenance of the National Infrastructure Information System and the Radioelectric Spectrum Administration System
  • Verification and surveillance: actions against pirate stations and asymmetric regulation.

The IFT called for the allocation of additional resources during fiscal year 2025 to be reconsidered.

He stressed that guaranteeing its substantive tasks and labor rights is essential while the institute remains operational and human capital is transferred to the new government entities that will assume its functions, after the approval of the constitutional reform by which seven autonomous bodies will disappear, including , the telecommunications regulator.

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