In Mexico 6.8 million minors do not have access to care services • News • Forbes Mexico


More than half of children from 0 to 5 years lack care and education services in Mexico, according to a study presented on Tuesday in the Mexican capital by specialists from Early Institute, ethos innovation in public policies and the Center for Economic and Budgetary Research (CIEP).

Only 44% of girls and boys in early childhood aged have access to initial and preschool care services through child care centers (CAI), according to the document ‘Early childhood care: recommendations towards the formation of the National Care System’.

The report is not a survey but a diagnosis of the current situation in the country, facing the design and implementation of the National Care System (SNC), one of the commitments of the Government of Mexico.

In a press conference, the specialists in charge of the study detailed that approximately 6.8 million girls and boys between 0 and 5 years do not have access to child care services.

This figure represents 56 % of early childhood in Mexico, an age range that in turn constitutes about 10 % of the Mexican population, according to data from the official government census.

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Given this, Renata Díaz Barreiro Castro, specialist at Early Institute, a ‘Think Tank’ specialized in early childhood, stressed that the National Care System is an opportunity to address the problems and challenges facing this population range.

“The diagnosis throws us that there is limited coverage, as well as a serious fragmentation and heterogeneity in early childhood care and care services in Mexico,” the expert warned.

Among other recommendations, the document proposes to expand the coverage of care and education services, especially in vulnerable areas.

It also asks to strengthen existing laws, not only recognizing the right to care in the Constitution, but also ensuring that the General Law for the Provision of Services for Children’s Care, Care and Development (LGPSADII) is the main norm in this sector.

Cándido Pérez, of Early Institute, explained that the implementation of laws that recognize the right to child care is “incipient”, so it is necessary to ensure LGPSADII as a governing rule and improve institutional coordination.

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The study also revealed that the charge of care falls disproportionately to women, which perpetuates social and economic inequalities.

Therefore, Mónica Corona, of Ethos, pointed out that some essential aspects to improve the attention and development of early childhood are the promotion of a co -responsibility approach in the care of early childhood that involves the State, companies and communities.

With EFE information

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