INE approves definitive list of candidacies for judicial election • News • Forbes Mexico


After correcting errors, the National Electoral Institute (INE) approved on Thursday in urgent session the final list of candidacies that will appear on the tickets for the historic judicial election of June 1.

The list, which includes 64 candidates for the Supreme Court and 15 for the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF), among other judicial positions, was sent to the state graphic workshops of Mexico for the printing of the tickets.

This process, previously planned for Thursday night, was postponed until tomorrow Friday to perform printing before starting with the production of at least 600 million tickets, almost double those used in the federal election of 2024.

When approved the final lists, the counselor Carla Humphrey expressed her disagreement “due to the lack of parity in the applications” for the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Court.

Lee: The breakdown of the judges

In addition, he pointed out the need to “guarantee an equitable representation in future lists”, since nine men and only six women were recorded; while for the court 33 women and 31 men were listed.

In the case of the Supreme Court, the INE included the three ministers Lenia Batres, Loretta Ortiz and Yasmín Esquivel, who have expressed interest in participating in the presidency of the highest court in the country.

In this sense, the INE counselor, Dania Ravel, explained that the latest information requirements had the purpose that “the lists of candidacies do not contain errors and that those who are entitled to it appear in them.”

“These three candidates do have the right to be included in the ballots, so this institute cannot deny them this right and this is reinforced because the authorities have the obligation to interpret the norms always seeking the broader protection of human rights for People and political rights are also human rights, ”he explained.

The president of the INE, Guadalupe Taddei, gave an account of an “unpublished scenario in which more than 500 requests were presented” to the Institute for nicknames, corrections, declines.

Among them, 11 corresponded to candidates for ministers of the SCJN, six of the Electoral Court, among others.

“This electoral authority has the responsibility to ensure that citizens have access to complete and correct information about those who aspire to occupy these important positions in the Judiciary,” Taddei concluded.

With EFE information

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