Infrastructure and security are the priorities that the Sheinbaum government must have: Caintra


The Chamber of the Transformation Industry of Nuevo León (Caintra) said it was very optimistic about the six-year transition and although there are many actions that Claudia Sheibaum’s government wants to promote, it considers that the issues of infrastructure and security are the main ones and therefore the ones that should start.

“Infrastructure includes transmission and distribution of electrical energy, which is a priority, Mexico’s logistics today also has a bottleneck on roads, in customs zones, in transit between Mexico and the United States, also on railways, especially railways. load,” said the president of Caintra, Máximo Vedoya.

He added that a second factor that is very important is security and has to have a priority, he indicated that President Claudia Sheinbaum already commented on it and that is a very important sign that there will be changes and the country will be able to improve.

For the business leader, the geopolitical change that is causing a relocation of global value chains did not occur with the Covid-19 pandemic, since it had already manifested itself before but had not been able to be transmitted; Now, it is clear that regionalization is a result of the fact that extreme globalization did not make sense because the rules were not the same for everyone.

“I think it is a process that will continue, it will continue regardless of which president comes in the United States. I think that either of the two countries is very clear about strengthening the region for the benefit of the three countries. The new government of Mexico is also very clear about it. I believe that it is a region to be there, you have to invest in Mexico and you have to invest in the North American region,” he noted during his participation in the Bloomberg NEF Forum.

In this sense, México Vedoya applauded the fact that the incoming government talks about strengthening the North American region, “it seems to us that this is critical and I think that is the way…(..)…it talks about saying how there should be greater regional content, how to boost exports or Mexican production, talks about more regional content, talks about a strong investment necessary in transmission and distribution of electrical energy,” he highlighted.

In this sense, he recalled that for years investment in electricity generation and distribution has been insignificant, but now the president of Mexico talks about renewable energies and it is relevant if we really want to have a regional supply chain and strengthen the industry.

The head of Caintra also highlighted the fact that Sheinbaum talks about digitizing all procedures, since that is a big problem, especially for small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), as well as promoting technical education, since it is the path for development.

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