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The reform of the Judiciary in Mexico does not guarantee gender parity in the high judicial positions, magistrate Celia Marín Sasaki warned Monday, after receiving and delivering an award that bears his name in the Mexican capital.

After presiding over the ‘Defensoras 2025’ awards and the ‘Presea Justice and Equidad Celia Marín Sasaki’, the magistrate told Efe that there are still great challenges in Mexican justice before the first popular election of the Judiciary on June 1.

“Although now we are facing a reform of deep draft, it does not guarantee the presence of women at the high levels of decision, where the decision is made, not that the collegiate body integrates and that the president is a man,” said Marín Sasaki, magistrate of the Superior Court of Justice of Mexico City.

The magistrate of the Fifth Criminal Chamber of the Judiciary of the Mexican capital said that “rules are missing” to achieve true equity, since there is already “the principle of numerical parity”, but the “conscience parity” and “a rule of alternation” are missing.

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“Because if not, men convince women that they cannot (…) and in the end the patriarchy is installed and you see in the addresses, in the high positions and in the major officers, pure men,” he said.

During her speech in the award, the magistrate recapitulated that of the 32 local courts of justice, only nine are chaired by a woman.

In addition, he pointed out that in the Court of Mexico City he has only had a woman president since its foundation in 1855, Judge Clementina Guillén Gil, in the period from 1983 to 1988.

The award, inspired by the life and work of the magistrate, will be delivered every year to recognize those defending lawyers who have challenged the patriarchy, said Arcelia Reyes, president of the La Costilla Rota organization.

The ‘Preea Justicia y Equidad Celia Marín Sasaki’ was also delivered to the lawyers and defenders Karla Michel Salas, Rosa María Álvarez González and Ana Paola Guerra Flores.

They ask that there are no “aggressors in power”

Upon receiving the medal, Guerra Flores called to the Federal Congress to vote in favor of the lawlessness to Deputy Cuauhtémoc Blanco, accused of attempted rape.

“Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum knows, (president of the country), there is historical debt for women in Mexico. That they notice on the board (vote) legislators,” he said.

“No aggressor to power,” was heard among the public.

The ‘Defensoras 2025’ awards were awarded to a dozen outstanding lawyers and jurists, among whom they highlighted, Valeria Martínez Mondragón, a criminal lawyer defender of the students of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) who undertook the first trial for digital sexual violence with artificial intelligence in Latin America.

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Ana Katiria Suárez Castro, criminal lawyer, exiled abroad after being threatened and criminalized for her work in defense to victims of family and vicaria violence, was also awarded.

The campaigns begin this Sunday for the first popular election of the Judiciary in Mexico, where on June 1 a record of 100.4 million voters will choose from among more than 4,000 candidates for the Supreme Court, the Electoral Court, the new court of judicial discipline and thousands of judges and magistrates.

With EFE information

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