The proposal to prohibit bulls with violence in Mexico City means the prelude to the disappearance of bullfighting, warned the company of the bullring “La México”.
He indicated that the prohibition of fundamental elements of the bullfight, such as the supreme fate and the use of traditional instruments, completely distorting its essence.
He added that the opinion, approved this Friday in the commission of the capital Congress, represents a direct threat against one of the most entrenched cultural traditions in the country.
Lee: Bulls without violence are unfeasible, they say bullfights
“In cities where it has been decided to choose radical transformations without being agreed, it has implied the disappearance of bullfighting and, contrary to what is sought, they would imply the disappearance of the bull of fight,” he said in a statement.
Mexico called on the government and capital Congress to open a dialogue with all the actors involved in bullfighting, such as farmers, bullfighters, bullfighters, rejoneadores, bullfighting businessmen, rocks, bullfighting libraries and specialists in bullfighting surgery.
He argued that the authorities did not listen to those involved: “Any reform must be the product of dialogue and consensus among all the actors involved.
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The company expressed its willingness to collaborate in the search for a path that respects the culture, traditions, economic development and well -being of all involved.
The Constitutional Point Commission of the Local Congress approved the opinion by which public and private shows with animals are prohibited, including bullfights, bullfights, calves and rejoneo.
The opinion was turned to the board of directors and is expected to be discussed before the plenary on March 18.
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