México Evalúa warns of lack of coordination to achieve climate goals • Infrastructure • Forbes México


The organization México Evalúa warned that in the country there is a lack of coordination to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, since there is no entity that regulates them, nor a government analysis of costs, nor a work plan, for so achieving climate goals will be complicated.

“In Mexico today we do not know who is responsible for the reduction and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions, this after an analysis of the legal framework and even talking with the state authorities of both Tamaulipas, Coahuila and Nuevo León” , said the researcher from México Evalúa, Viviana Patiño.

During the webinar “We seek to accelerate the energy transition in Mexico,” he assured that the authorities have very little clarity about what part they are responsible for in monitoring and reducing emissions.

He added that the above is due to the fact that the powers in the legal framework are of a coordination order; That is, the law establishes a coordination power of this authority with another to monitor these conditions.

Furthermore, there is a disconnection between the goal and how to achieve the goal of reducing emissions, since there is no efficient government analysis, despite the fact that exercises have been carried out where a cost of 104,000 million dollars of net investment associated with the implementation of mitigation measures by 2030 and the benefit of 157 billion dollars during the useful life of these investments.

“We do not have an efficient analysis in 2024 of where we want to go, how much it is going to cost us. This is going to be essential for the next goal we have. This analysis in hand to be able to advance multilevel efforts in the different levels of government towards the reduction of emissions is undoubtedly the way to implement different measures in the energy sector and verify if they comply with the expected elements to achieve this reduction. , said.

Viviana Patiño added that there is a disconnection between climate goals and the advancement of the energy sector; That is to say, the objective is to reduce emissions but the priority is not there, because if the latest regulatory changes are taken into account, state companies are a priority, precisely due to that quality of being state companies.

“But then if the environment does not have a place in the decision of whether one energy or another is used or dispatched, then how can we truly say that we are giving priority to reducing emissions,” he concluded.

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