Milei advances in the privatization of the mining company and CRT when transforming it into a corporation


The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, decreed this Sunday to transform the state mining company Carboniferous Rio Turbio (YCRT) in a corporation, with a view to the entry of private capital into that company.

“The President of the Nation has signed the decree that transforms the company Carboniferous Rio Turbio deposit into a corporation. Nothing that should not be state will remain in the hands of the State, ”announced the presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, through social networks.

The company, based in the Southern Argentine Province of Santa Cruz, was created by the Argentine State in 1958 to exploit the coal site of the city of Río Turbio.

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The YCRT facilities include the Río Turbio site, the ferro -ported complex used to transfer the coal to the port of Punta Loyola and the Coal Thermoelectric Central of Río Turbio.

The company was included in the list of companies that a law approved last year by Parliament enables them to privatize.

In the case of YCRT, the norm obliges the National State to maintain a majority shareholding in the company.

The decree signed this Sunday has as its immediate antecedent another on February 20, also signed by Milei, to make the state -owned Bank National, the largest financial entity in Argentina, with a view to opening its capital to private investors.

With EFE information.

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