New towers to transform the skyline of Ramat Gan


Ramat Gan’s future as one of the cities with the most towers in Israel is in the process of being realized. The urban planning subcommittee of the Tel Aviv District Planning and Building Committee will today discuss Ramat Gan’s four largest plans for the protest deposit, which would demolish 600 apartments in 42 old buildings and replace them with 1,900 new apartments in nine towers.

The largest of the plans covers 19 dunams (4.75 acres), where 16 buildings between Arlozorov, Hamatmid and Simcha streets will be demolished. Developer Acro Urban Renewal plans to replace them with five towers, including a 60-story one on Arlozorov Street and a 54-story one on Hamatmid Street, as well as two public buildings. These towers will include 1,050 apartments instead of 345 in the old buildings. The adjacent old building is planned to be preserved and will serve as a shopping center.

In a second project on 3.15 dunams (3,150 square meters) between Abba Hillel Silver, Rokach and Herut Streets, Saliah Rothschild Financing and Investments is promoting a plan to demolish 33 apartments and two houses and build a 40-story tower with 152 apartments above commercial. place and a cluster of kindergartens.

At the intersection of Rashi and Abba Hillel Silver streets, Africa Israel Urban Renewal and Avgad Quality in Renewal are promoting a project on 9.6 dunams (2.4 acres) that would demolish 14 buildings with 161 apartments and a shopping center. Instead, three buildings will be built: 36-story, four- and six-story buildings with 467 apartments. The plan includes the requisition of land for roads and public buildings.

Municipal review

Rotshtein Real Estate is developing an additional project to be discussed by the district committee on Abba Hillel Silver Street, at the intersection of Herut and Hatikva Streets, which includes 30-story and 10-story buildings with 202 apartments, as well as commercial and office buildings. the place will be built. This project will replace six existing residential buildings on a 3.7 dunam (3,700 square meter) site.

These plans are part of the beginning of the implementation of Ramat Gan’s new urban vision, as reflected in the comprehensive urban outline plan (RG/1), which is in advanced procedures for approval by the District Planning and Construction Committee. According to the plan, in the next 25 years, the city’s population will increase to 390 thousand people, more than double from the current 178 thousand people, to 83 thousand apartments.

The plan includes the development of areas identified as “intensive areas”, most of which will be located along major transport arteries, and includes construction on an increased scale. Plan also included Arlozorov, Abba Hillel Silver, Jabotinsky, Rashi, and others. includes a list of so-called “skeleton streets” including

The plan will allow up to 35 floors along Abba Hillel, Aluf Sadeh and Hatayasim Streets, and up to 20 floors along Haroeh Street and Quds Boulevard where the metro line will pass. Otherwise, buildings in the central districts of the city will be limited to 8-9 floors.

Globes, Israel business news – – published on September 9, 2024.

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