No port has stations to sell clean fuels: Semar


The Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR) He informed that no port has terminals, facilities or stations for the supply of clean fuels to ships and vessels.

“Practically none of the terminals, which we currently have with supply connectivity, we are certain that it is through clean fuels,” said Diana Elena Portilla Romero, executive director of Maritime-Portuaria Strategic Planning of the SEMAR.

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It is necessary to implement effective measures for the reduction of greenhouse gases, as well as the construction of infrastructure to support the adoption of clean energy sources and identify the potential demand for cleaning consumable supply, said during forum dialogues with engineers, organized by the College of Civil Engineers of Mexico (CICM).

“It is important that the energy provided by the docks is coming from renewable sources,” he said.

During a forum made, he said: “I can electrify and I can make investments on my dock to provide electricity to ships, but it will not help if you feed on the thermoelectric plant next to you.”

The General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine and the Marine Secretariat (Semar) can perform actions to reduce emissions, but it is required to do them together with all sectors involved and intersectarially.

According to the SEMAR representative, the support infrastructure sources of energy or use of fuels with null or almost null emissions.

The General Coordination of Ports and Merchant Marine and the Marine Secretariat work hand in hand a rudoization strategy in the maritime terminal network in Mexico.

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“We already have an inventory of greenhouse gases practically in 26 ports, which we have constituted as port administrations, that is, in the 18 administrations of the National Port System (ASIPONAS) and in the 6 Federal Integral Port Administrations (APIF),” said Diana Elena Portilla Romero.

The representative explained that changes have been implemented in the Master Programs of Port Development and in the Operation Rules to promote the reduction of carbon emissions.

There are also environmental certifications like 14 thousand 001 in the administrations of the National Port System, as well as work under an environmental management system, he said.

For emission reduction, it is obliged to have monitoring and air measurements of the air in the administrations of the National Port System and the Federal Integral Port Administrations.

Strategic infrastructure planning is required that contributes to the decrease in emissions, for example last year the cabotage dock was inaugurated in Lázaro Cárdenas, he said.

The Lázaro Cárdenas cabotage dock has a ship connectivity to turn off motors, when they arrive at the port and thus reduce emissions

In Lázaro Cárdenas it is one of the few maritime terminals with a mullen where it is encouraged that high -draft ships reduce their greenhouse emissions, just as there are other environmental actions in Coatzacoalcos and Veracruz

The effective measurement of gase emission reduction is something controversial, because many of the assignees with environmental care do so to compensate.

But “they continue to generate the same amount of emissions, but maybe they are buying bonds or adopt green areas, which obviously everything adds, and that is why there is no decrease,” concluded Diana Elena Portilla Romero.


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