‘Not overly concerned by the export of inflation to Europe’


European Union flags flutter on the day European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde speaks to reporters following the Governing Council’s monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt, Germany September 12, 2024. 

Jana Rodenbusch | Reuters

The European Central Bank is “not overly concerned” by the impact of inflation abroad on the euro zone, the institution’s President Christine Lagarde told CNBC Wednesday.

Asked about the potential effect on Europe if inflation resurges in the U.S., Lagarde said: “If there is reigniting of inflation in the United States it will be an issue for the United States for sure, that is where the first and prime consequences will be.”

“We are not overly concerned by the export of inflation to Europe.”

“There will be interesting phenomenon that we will watch. The exchange rate, for instance, will be of interest, and … may have consequences, but we are certainly interested to see the U.S. grow, because growth in the U.S. has always been a favorable factor for the rest of the world,” she added.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated shortly.


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