The nuns of the monastery of Santa Clara de Belorado (Spain) who were excommunicated for facing the structure of the Catholic Church opened their closing restaurant in Arriondas, a town in Asturias (northern Spain).
The restaurant aims to be a solution for the economic problems facing the nuns while the demand for eviction presented by the archbishopric is resolved.
The sixteen religious of the Order of Poor Sisters of Santa Clara broke with the Vatican after the Church prevented them from selling the monastery in which they live to buy another.
This disagreement made them decide to be under the tutelage of Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco, a Catholic excommunicated in July 2019 and founder of the Pía Unión de San Pablo Apostle sect.
The decision originated the schism and the confrontation rose in tone when they received the notification of eviction of the monastery they inhabit.
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Santa Clara nuns problem
Given their complicated economic situation, the ex -married exmonas decided to rent by 1,600 euros per month the hotel ‘Ribera del Chicu’ and have dedicated a part to their residence and another to the restaurant, in whose kitchen the sisters of Clausura will be, while the dining room will be treated by secular.
On the occasion of the opening of the restaurant, the excommunicated nuns organized a meal for the press on Tuesday, in which their representative, Sor Sión, explained that they have had an “incredibly good” reception in Arriondas, by neighbors and merchants, as well as for the people who already approached to make a reservation.
Asked by the litigation for the demand for eviction presented by the archbishopric of Burgos about the convent where they reside, Sor Sión assured that there is no “no novelty”, although he affirmed that they will continue to “defend” the one that they consider their property.
The business will be dedicated mainly three ex -religious, which will cook a daily menu of 15 euros composed of traditional Asturian dishes (the region where the restaurant is located), such as Fabada, Calapines al Cabrales or rice with milk.
The rest of the sisters will remain in the monastery of Santa Clara, although the new gastronomic project wants to launch operators to prepare their famous chocolates and buy land close to the premises for breeding and training of dogs and to develop projects, for example, of attention to battered women or training of guide dogs.
With EFE information.
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