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Rafael Zaga Saba, president of the National Chamber of the Textile Industry (Canaintex), said that the sector is in crisis and red numbers due to the smuggling of merchandise from China and other Nations of Asia.

“There was currently a loss of almost 80 thousand jobs, 8 consecutive quarters of negative results in GDP, due to unfair practices of Asia,” he said at the VIII National Meeting of the Fiber, textile, dress and footwear chain.

The businessman said that he has witnessed the disappearance of small, medium and large factories that for decades fought against illegality and unfortunately they could not continue.

At the end of November 2024, the Ministry of Economy undertook actions against piracy and smuggling of goods through the cleaning operation.

He said that given the problem of Chinese smuggling, there has been an opening of the Government of Claudia Sheinbaum to listen to the needs of the industry and meet them.

“That was a before and after and with arduous work since the direct action of the president of the Republic, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, to the Team of the Ministry of Economy and a clear example was the historic decree of December 19, 2024,” he added.

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The business leader made an emphatic call to the National Customs Agency of Mexico (ANAM), which is now under the leadership of Rafael Marín Mollinedo, to close the clamp in smuggling.

Rafael Zaga Saba reported that the Government has responded excluding from this program to the temporary importation of finished products and creating a new promotion program with rules and profiles that guarantee greater national content.

“To have a textile and healthy industry, you need to eradicate smuggling in any of its form. When 3 out of 5 garments that are sold in the country are illegal, they are actions in which there is no way of how to compete,” he said ..

“Today the ball is now on the customs court more than anyone else, to stop these 8 negative quarters and reverse the situation in favor of the Mexican textile industry that generates 1 million 200 thousand jobs and that of those 70% are women,” he said.

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He said that something very relevant is to strengthen the domestic market and trusted that it be fully carried out with the “Mexico Plan”, whose success depends on the collaboration of commercial chains, the support of the government and an industrial policy that encourages the consumption of what was done in Mexico and import substitution.

He indicated that they see Claudia Sheinbaum a woman of state to advocate the industry, however “the reality is that our neighbor’s decisions are volatile and that forces more than ever to strengthen the domestic market to survive.”

On the other hand, he asked commercial chains also to respond with actions because “what is done in Mexico is one of the few places in the world that have the entire value chain, cotton is sown in the north, the fiber occurs and the fabric is weaved in the center and the products from north to south are made to market in Mexico and the world”.

He clarified that “there is no reason to favor imported products made under forced labor in market economies, when well -paid jobs can be recovered and contribute to the economic well -being of our country.”

He indicated that “each factory, each workshop and each textile company represents much more than a production line; it is the result of generations of work, investment, innovation, technology and unwavering commitment to the development of our country.”

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