research center • Economy and finance • Forbes Mexico


The Center for Economic and Budgetary Research (CIEP) warned that the 2025 Economic Package prioritizes fiscal adjustment with a cut in public spending, but affects key sectors such as health, education and the environment.

The organization pointed out that pensions, debt and transfers absorb 80% of the budget, leaving little room for investment in strategic sectors.

In an environment of global economic slowdown, with falling inflation and lower interest rates, the Economic Package 2025 proposes to reduce the public deficit with a higher projection of income and a cut in spending, explained in the report “Economic Package 2025 “partial consolidation and unequal distribution.”

He indicated that the decreases in the budget assigned to education, health, culture, infrastructure, early childhood, environment, among others, show the need to strengthen income, continue promoting collection efficiency and maintain prudent management of public finances that helps to reduce inequalities and boost economic growth and development.

The CIEP assured that the 2025 Economic Package is the result of the absence of a tax reform and although a record collection is projected as a percentage of GDP, of 14.6%, the amount remains below the average for the Latin American region and the Caribbean (21.5%).

He added that there is uncertainty due to the evolution of public debt, since the projections do not consider fiscal sustainability or intergenerational equity.

“Decreases in public spending deepen inequalities among the population and do not guarantee rights such as access to health services; nor does it show specific strategies to reduce educational lag; it does not guarantee the creation of a national care system; nor does it include specific policies to reduce inequalities between women and men,” the CIEP warned.

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