A total of seven health professionals are accused of homicide in the trial of the death of Diego Armando Maradona, which begins this Tuesday in San Isidro, a town on the outskirts of Buenos Aires.
The trial will seek to know if the defendants failed to comply with their duties during the last days of the Argentine football star, spent in a house in the town of Tigre, in the province of Buenos Aires, where it had to receive intensive care under a home modality.
All have been charged with simple homicide with a task through eventual intent.
Leopold Luque
43 -year -old neurosurgeon and one of Maradona’s headquarters. It was the one who insisted that the home modality was the best for the recovery of the patient, according to the witnesses.
According to the investigation, Luque did not provide attention to the patient, nor did he follow up, he avoided calling specialists and ignored and belittled the symptoms and signs compatible with heart failure.
He is also accused of “use of a false private document” for having falsified Maradona’s signature in a medical history request.
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He is compromised audios presented as evidence in which he spares information about Maradona’s health to his daughters Dalma, Giannina and Jana.
It is defended by lawyers Julio Rivas and Mara Digiuni.
Agustina Cosachov
40 -year -old psychiatrist and another of the team’s heads. She is accused of not properly administering the medication to Maradona and disregarding the adverse effects.
They also accuse her of having falsified the medical certificate of a visit she never made, for which she was additional charged by “ideological falsehood.”
According to the letter presented by prosecutors, he omitted “personally commissioning himself for the patient’s resuscitation, according to good medical practices, they had, because he had been the only doctor present in the place.”
It is represented by lawyer Vadim Mischanchuk.
Carlos Díaz
33 -year -old psychoanalyst, specialized in addictions and who joined the medical team one month before the death of ’10’.
Prosecutors accuse him of not having indicated an entry to a rehabilitation center according to and interfering with the indications of psychiatrist Cosachov.
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They also accuse him of lying to the family about the true health picture of the patient.
Pedro of Spain
Clinical doctor in charge of treatment during home care, accused of not regularly controlling the patient’s health status.
According to the investigation, Di Spagna was only twice in 14 days to the house where the player was being treated.
The first time he reviewed the patient and requested a series of studies, but never corroborated that they effectively be carried out.
The second, and last time, claimed that the patient did not allow to be controlled. The doctor never charged his fees.
Ricardo Almirón
41 -year -old nurse hired by Medidom, the company used by Swiss Medical, health insurance company, for home care.
In the accusation, inconsistencies between what is reported by the nurse in the WhatsApp group of the medical team and the effective care provided.
In his discharge, Almirón said: “I do not get an answer about the patient’s state of health. He had no checks. I was always in uncertainty. ”
He also declared that the only instruction received was to administer the medication to the patient, but that it should be limited to preparing the doses so that they were administered by third parties, since Maradona did not want it inside the room.
Mariano Perroni
Employee of 44 years of Memidom and in charge of coordinating Ricardo Almirón and the rest of the nurses.
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For prosecutors, he completed payroll with information that did not correspond to “the real state and medical care that Diego Armando Maradona received.”
The accusation also indicates that “it demonstrated a selfless and indifferent behavior in the face of the emergency situation.”
Perroni declared that Nancy Forlini, another one of the accused, was her only interlocutor and that she complied with her indications.
Nancy Forlini
Forlini, 56, was the medical boss in charge of the Home Care Management in Swiss Medical.
He declared that he received a request for “home care” for the footballer, instead of a “home hospitalization”, as in the light of the events corresponded.
“They told us that it would be personal doctors who would make all decisions,” he said in his discharge.
Perroni – nursing coordinator – indicated that Forlini received indications from psychiatrist Cosachov.
With EFE information
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