Study • Health • Forbes Mexico


The number of adult people with obesity will reach 1,130 million in 2030, an increase of 115% compared to 2010, with health deficiencies to address this problem in 93% of the countries, according to the ATLAS report of world obesity 2025 published on Monday.

On the occasion of World Obesity Day on Tuesday, the World Obesity Federation, author of Atlas, urged governments to take measures to overweight and obesity, which every year causes about four million deaths worldwide.

The report estimates that 3,000 million adults in the world, 50%of the total population, will suffer obesity or overweight in 2030, compared to 2,000 million (40%) that suffered in 2015 and 1.6 billion (36%) in 2010.

The American Samoa, in the Pacific, is the country with more adults with obesity (77%), while Vietnam is the one that least, with 2%, according to the Federation report, based in London.

“It is clear that obesity is increasing and it is also clear that many countries are not prepared to deal with what is an increasingly serious problem for populations,” Simón Barquera, president of the World Federation of Obesity, said in a statement.

Read: Obesity: A health and economic crisis that requires innovation and prevention

Barquera said that obesity is “a serious illness in its own right” and a “engine” for noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart pathologies and strokes.

“More people die due to obesity than in traffic accidents every year,” said the president of the Federation.

According to the report, the overweight is a body mass of between 25 and 30 kilograms per square meter (kg/m2), while class I obesity is between 30 and 35 kg/m2 and class II obesity above 35 kg/m2, the limit that marks the need for surgical intervention.

The Federation said that only two thirds of the countries (126 of 194) of the world do not have any or only one of the five key policies to combat obesity.

These policies include taxes on sugary drinks, taxes on foods rich in fats, saturated fats, sugar and salt, healthier food subsidies, restrictions on food marketing to children and taxes and incentives to promote physical activity.

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One of the most affected regions is the Pacific, with examples such as American Samoa, where overweight in adults reaches 92% and 77% obesity, or Tonga, where these values ​​reach, respectively, 92% and 75%.

In other countries, obesity in adults amounts to 45% in Saudi Arabia, 44% in the United States, 42% in Chile, 32% in South Africa, 31% in Brazil, 30% in Japan, 28% in the United Kingdom, 24% in Morocco, 20% in Italy, 17% in Thailand, 15% in Spain, 13% in Kenya And 9% in China

With EFE information

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