Study indicates that emblematic black taxis from London could disappear in 20 years


The emblematic Black Taxis (“Black Cabs”, in English) of London could disappear from its streets in the next 20 years if licenses decrease to the current rhythm, said the last study of the Laboratory of Ideas Center for London on Wednesday.

According to the investigation, collected in the report “The future of the London Black Taxi sector: achieving a sustainable sector”, the license taxis number decreased more than a third in the last decade in the British capital.

In the period between 2013 and 2014, 22,810 taxis had permission to operate on the roads of London, a figure that decreased by 34.5% in the ten years prior to exercise 2023-2024.

“If the number of black taxis in the capital continues to decrease to the current rhythm, there will be no more in the streets of London in 2045,” said “Center for London” in a statement.

Black taxis have been part of the city’s ecosystem and have become a London icon for almost 450 years, as the first official licenses for taxis in London were issued in 1662.

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Greater sustainability in London would end a large part of the ‘Black Cabs’

On the eve of the update of the Action Plan for Taxis and Private Rent of the Transport Agency of London (TFL) by 2025, the report recommended establishing a ten -year strategy for the retention and recruitment of taxi drivers, with clear ambitions to “maintain and expand” the number of drivers with permission.

He also advised greater collaboration between the Taxi sector and the London City Council to develop joint policies of “intelligent traffic management” and identify the role of the “Black Cabs” within the future transport model for London, which advocates by prioritizing in 80% the journeys in sustainable media compared to 20% of trips in private cars.

The report was prepared after a round table to analyze the problems of the taxi sector in the capital, in which operators, manufacturers and legislators participated.

With EFE information

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