Tax revenues have the best progress in almost a year in November • Economy and finance • Forbes México


Tax revenues in November totaled 434,695 million pesos (mp), a real growth of 14.8% compared to the same period last year.

This was the best increase since the 27.1% in December 2023, according to Treasury figures.

Internally, collection from IEPS on gasoline and diesel increased 91.4%, while that from VAT grew 15.4% and from ISR rose 6.7%.

On the other hand, oil revenues fell 36.3% to 61,713.9 million pesos, marking two months of double-digit declines.

Total revenues in November grew 3.2% to 610,897.4 million pesos.

Net spending rises 5.6%

Net public sector spending in November increased 5.6% annually to 724,872.3 million pesos.

Internally, programmable spending increased 14.9% to 617,406.1 million pesos, while non-programmable spending fell 27.9% to 107,466.2 million pesos.

Accumulated to November

In the first 11 months of the year, total income grew 2.2% to 6.79 billion pesos, which exceeded by 104,467 million pesos what was programmed by the Treasury for the period.

Internally, oil revenues fell 14.6% to 890,986.3 million pesos and tax revenues rose 6.2% to 4.51 billion pesos, an amount higher by 25,000 million pesos than estimated by the Treasury.

“Driven by the robustness of economic activity and the efficiency measures adopted, tax collection achieved a real annual increase of 6.2%, the second highest recorded since 2016 for the same period,” the agency highlighted in a statement regarding the public finance report for November.

Read: SAT gives extension to enable the Tax Mailbox

On the other hand, total spending between January and November grew 6.3% to 7.95 billion pesos, an amount lower by 173,043.3 million pesos compared to what was programmed.

The budget deficit increased 39.1% to 1.15 trillion pesos, but was lower by 277,510.6 million pesos compared to what was programmed.

While the primary budget deficit reached 225,000 million pesos, which represented 187,800 million pesos less than estimated for the period.

The Historical Balance of the Financial Requirements of the Public Sector, considered the broadest measure of debt, amounted to 17.03 billion pesos, from the 14.57 billion pesos reported at the end of November of last year.

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