Telefónica Argentina passes to the hands of a sign where the Mexican David Martínez is a member • Business • Forbes Mexico


TLH Holdco, SLU, a Spanish telephone company, has sold Argentina to Telecom Argentina the totality of the actions it has in Telefónica Móviles Argentina.

“The total price for 100 percent of the shares transmitted amounts to $ 1,245 million (approximately 1,189 million euros at the current exchange rate),” the Spanish company reported to the US stock and values ​​commission (sec by its acronym in English).

He added that the firm and closing of the operation have occurred today.

“This operation is part of the management policy of the Telefónica Group Asset and is aligned with its strategy to progressively reduce exposure to Latin America,” explained the Spanish firm that competed in the Argentine market with Claro by Carlos Slim and Telecom , a company by Clarín and the Mexican David Martínez Guzmán.

In March 2016, David Martínez remained with the 70 percent control of the media, internet and telecommunications business of Argentina.

Martínez Guzmán received the authorization of the National Communications Entity (ENACOM) to close the acquisition of Telecom Argentina and continue with the purchase of Nextel.

These operations put the owner of Fintech Advisory in a strategic position within the Argentine economy, where Carlos Slim participates through clear Martínez are partners in Cablevisión).

The investment fund invests in different industries, particularly in emerging markets and in the eurozone.

Lee: these are David Martínez’s businesses, the millionaire who acquired 7.48% of Televisa’s shares

Martínez’s company signed an agreement with Telecom Italia so that in exchange for 960 million dollars it will keep the assets, with more than 20 million mobile phone customers, with four million fixed lines and with 1.7 million internet customers In Argentina. In addition, the firm uses more than 15,000 people.

In Argentina, it owns 25% of Genneia’s shares, a supplier and generating electricity that rescued during the administration of Nestor Kirchner, and also owns 40% cablevisión, television holding, data and cable voice of cable Clarín Group. This group was a public and rival enemy of the Kirchner during the last decade.

David Martínez Guzmán, British citizen, is 64 years old and is an independent advisor to CEMEX, La Cementera with a high presence in the United States and Mexico.

He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Alfa and Vitro, companies listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange in Mexico, as well as Sabadell Bank, a company listed in Spain.

Martínez Guzmán is a founder and director of Fintech Advisory, as well as general director of his subsidiary in London, Fintech Advisory, and member of the Board of Directors of Ica holder.

In 1984, David Martínez Guzmán joined the Sovereign Debt Debt Restructure Unit of Citibank in New York, where he helped coordinate the financing plan of Argentina and its subsequent restructuring.

Lee: billionaire David Martínez acquires actions from Televisa

In 1987, Fintech established in New York, which has since participated in most sovereign debt restructures worldwide, starting with the Brady Plan in the 1980s.

During the last three decades, David Martínez Guzmán has systematically made high -value investments through numerous corporate restructures in various industries in Latin America, and during the last decade he has also made strategic investments in the eurozone, participating in the processes of recapitalization of Banks of systematic importance in Greece, Spain and Italy.

He is an Electricist Mechanical Engineer from UNAM, a degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, Italy and has a master’s degree in business administration of the Harvard University School of Business.

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