The eagle on our shield was not born to be caged


By Luis Javier Álvarez Alfeirán*

Mexico has forged its own destiny over the centuries, from pre-Hispanic times to the present day. The history of our country has not gone unnoticed by the world. The Mayan influence continues to be a subject of study in large universities around the planet, the richness of our territory discovered by the Spanish colonizers enriched Europe and brought new flavors that to this day continue to be a surprise for the most refined palates. The territory lost to the United States contributes a large part of its Gross Domestic Product.

The geographical and territorial wealth of Mexico is the envy of many nations, but, even so, our country does not seem to detach itself from mediocrity and truly develop as its great potential would suggest. what’s happening? We have history, culture, wealth, seas and mountains, we have a human quality like few countries and yet we continue in the battle of economic mediocrity and still be part of the most important economies on the planet.

Today our country has not been able to take the step to get it out of “the middle table”; we continue praising the greatness of our past forgetting to look towards the future; our young people, who have the window to our planet in the palm of their hand, will not stay there waiting for it to develop; If they do not find the right conditions, they will seek to satisfy their ambitions and feed their future in other cultures. Mexico may lose its most valuable wealth: its people, those capable of transforming reality and breaking paradigms. The country needs to wake up once and for all, remove the gag of organized crime that suffocates us and clouds our horizons of greatness, that strangles the dream of a nascent generation and kills its illusions. It’s now or it will be late!

And the challenges do not only remain in the history that we have been forging and allowing more recently. Today a new government arrives in the United States with the aim of returning its own greatness, under the motto of MAGA, Mexico seems a threat, with touches of truth making boredom arrive with overtones of radicalization. Our borders will be a dam and guardian of thousands of dreams, of many people from different parts of the world who will not be able to enter the American Union and it is here where we will have to show that we are different, Mexico will have to defend its position and independence firmly but also with solid actions of change, we must demonstrate that we are capable of being a humanely hospitable society with those who have been relegated, but without bowing our heads in submission and submission.

As an example, Mexican cuisine has earned its respect thanks to the fact that great chefs have taken seriously their work of taking it to the top, without regards or complexes; The same can be achieved in the different areas of our society, but to do so we must take the lead and take the risk knowing that it is worth it.

Complaints and diplomacy will not be enough if they are not accompanied by actions to reverse that passive and mediocre culture that we have been carrying for decades. It is not only the responsibility of the rulers or the circumstances but of each of us as citizens, it is we who must decide to be honest, organized, dedicated, punctual, compliant, etc.

The eagle that represents us on the national shield cannot remain standing on the cactus, it is only there to feed its strength and take flight conquering the skies. There will be those who want to cage it to admire it, but in this way it loses its beauty and its size, it loses its majesty and cannot demonstrate its potential. The eagle must be freed to fulfill its divine mission. Mexico will regain its greatness and prestige when it decides to fly high away from the comfort of land. Mexico will be respected when we ourselves respect it.

Let’s not be bothered by what others say about us, let’s show that we are different in the facts, otherwise, we will only have to assume what we seem like.


*Luis Javier Álvarez Alfeirán, MA, is director of Le Cordon Bleu-Anáhuac.

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