The impact of women on the Mexican economy


The participation of women in the economy is crucial, regardless of economic, professional or educational status.

Women can have a 360 vision where decisions can be made that even directly support the country’s economy. From the micro and macro economy either at home, in a company or in our community, always visualizing in the short, medium term.

According to the surveys led by the INEGI, in Mexico 5 out of 10 women participate in the labor market, considering that of that 5 25% are in management positions, who make decisions in the business or government economy.

Women still have challenges of gender inequality, not for not having the tools or executive capacity to be in high -level positions, but by the compensation of the time dedicated to the family, that is, by the executive activities in other areas, it is when the professional career cannot advance at the same speed as men, however, when the balance of the four cardinal points, professional, family, personal and spiritual, women propose and their contribution to the economy is on a large scale.

The previous statistics speak of the economy in the workforce, where women go out to work and are monetarily compensated, however, there are other activities that are considered as unpaid work, which is equivalent to an economic value of 24% of the GDP of Mexico, that is, to one of four pesos generated by the Mexican economy in 2022 (INEGI), as attention to the home economy, attention to patients, care of infants, domestic activities, domestic activities, domestic activities, domestic activities, domestic activities, domestic activities. investment, among others.

There are several challenges to what women still face, being their very important contribution to the Mexican economy:

  • Working Women’s Syndrome: The stress and overload that women experience when trying to balance their roles.
  • Labor discrimination: The limitations for professional development and the possibility of finding a job.
  • Female leadership: Make your voice and/or lead better paid jobs for professional segregation or customs.
  • Labor violence against women: Discrimination by gender, abuse of power, sexual harassment, labor harassment, psychological violence, or inequality in working and home conditions.
  • Work-family conciliation: Difficulties to combine work and family care.
  • Domestic work: Domestic tasks have been considered strenuous, not socially valued and that do not allow new skills to be acquired.

While women have a good participation in the economy, we are indefatigable fighters to maintain the balance between work, family, couple, etc. It is also important to know that we must deepen our psychological and emotional part, paying special attention to our emotions, achievements and conquests; Without neglecting our dissatisfactions, disappointments and sufferings.

In the World Economy Forum he spoke in 2023, about the four myths about women in the labor market, which are:

Myth No. 1 – Women are less ambitious: Being the opposite, after COVID-19, the flexibility of work with the respective responsibility of using time in your favor is seen as advantage.

Myth No. 2 – The greatest obstacle to the promotion of women is the “glass roof”: The true obstacle to the progression of women in leadership is a “broken step” where women can put their own foot so as not to reach desired positions, then they are trapped in the step that breaks through the lack of self -confidence to touch the same sky.

Myth nº 3: Microagressions have a “micro” impact: In other words, the words, actions or environments that can be perceived as discriminatory are not relevant, being the opposite because it has a “large and lasting” impact on women and converting the workplace into a “mental mines field.”

Myth No. 4 – It is mostly women who want – and benefit – of flexible work: Not only women, also men consider flexibility as one of the three most critical employee benefits for the success of the company. At some point, work becomes a challenge for home and be “aware” of both places.

Finally, since women play a fundamental role in the care of others, they often do not dedicate the same level of attention to their own well -being. Our contribution to the economy could be channeled both towards the payment of taxes and to investment in the attention and repair of physical, mental and emotional damage that, in many cases, affects women much more, for this reason, it is very important to give priority to find balance in all aspects of life (professional, personal, emotional and spiritual) will be a source of inspiration for more women who contribute to the impact on the economy not only of Mexico.

The opinions expressed are only the responsibility of their authors and are completely independent of the position and the editorial line of Forbes Mexico.

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