The next Crypto revolution | 30 visionaries of blockchain by kol capital • Digital assets • Forbes Mexico


In less than 15 years, we went from buying a pizza with Bitcoins to question the bases of the traditional financial system. This transformation is just the beginning and has proper names.

The Next Crypto Revolutionary: 30 Under 30 Blockchain Visionaries It is a special that puts in the center of the scene those who are creating a future with the distributed power among those who really dare to participate. Best of all: this is only the beginning and we all have the opportunity to be an active part of this innovation.

Know the profiles and stories of the most disruptive characters of the global scene, 30 visionaries of Blockchain by Kol Capital.

30 Under 30 Blockchain Visionaries: 1 – 4

30 Under 30 Blockchain Visionaries: 5-8

30 Under 30 Blockchain Visionaries: 9-12

30 Under 30 Blockchain Visionaries: 13-16

30 Under 30 Blockchain Visionaries: 17-20

30 Under 30 Blockchain Visionaries: 21-25

30 Under 30 Blockchain Visionaries: 26-30

You may be interested: Know more of the Kol Capital community

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