By Luis Javier Álvarez Alfeirán*
It is necessary to speak of an undeniable reality. Mexico is on everyone’s lips, nationally, we talk about our country; For better or worse, but it is spoken. Violence and drug trafficking within our borders – center of the campaign of the new president of the United States – points to us and not precisely in a favorable way. It is true that Mexico; Its culture, tourism, its gastronomy, its traditions, have a value and wealth that until now has allowed us to sustain ourselves within the most attractive countries in the tourist field, but should we settle for it? Is it enough to know that “There we take it”?
War and violence are not carried out only in the streets but also in the microphone of the leaders of various nations, the United States, Spain, El Salvador are only some examples, but we have seen headed in the media in Europe, Oceania, Asia and South America. We cannot close our eyes to this reality. For tourism this is disastrous.
Tourism feeds on the good saying, the experiences and stories of travelers. Of the images and also of the reviews and news. The positions are obviously opposed, some say that violence increases, that organized crime carcom fake news; Anyway, it is necessary to understand reality, whether violent or informative, with actions that allow a counterweight.
Tourism is essential in the life of the human person, it has always been, but today there is more accessibility and more possibilities; It is an activity that will continue to be carried out. For Mexico, it represents almost 10% of national GDP and according to the Ministry of Tourism, in 2024 the arrival of foreign visitors grew more than 5% compared to 2023.
It is evident that Mexico continues to enjoy an important capital in the matter of identity and attractiveness in terms of tourist activity but it is not a reason for Plácemes because countries of the region such as the Dominican Republic and Colombia, to mention only some, grow at a accelerated pace of two digits with more than 10 million visitors per year.
The road begins to appear uphill, but the important thing is not that. The ups and downs are part of the history of mankind, they are part of the personal history of each of us. If there are no challenges, there are no creative possibilities to find new roads and attractions. The crossroads presented for our country can be one of the most important in the history of the last hundred years and it is possible that we take the right path, a new era of tourist strength for Mexico.
It is time to renew politics and infrastructure, attract new consumers, open to a more digital and independent generation, unlock regulations for new businesses and players in the industry. It is time to give way to the will of a market of experiences that expands with the rapidity of new technologies and social networks.
It is time to generate the conditions of freedom that will exploit the ability and tourist attraction of our country that is nothing but its people framed within the ambrosia of their numerous natural, architectural and cultural resources. The uphill is just a process that you don’t have to be afraid. It is a path that we must travel without forgetting that at the end of this, there is the summit and the fullness of what was achieved. The greatness of Mexico makes it worth the path and vitality of Mexicans of good is, without a doubt, capable of reaching the top.
About the author:
*Luis Javier Álvarez Alfeirán, Ma, is director of Le Cordon Bleu-Anahuac.
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