The responsibility of caring for others and the lack of resources, the harsh reality of entrepreneurs • Forbes Women • Forbes México


It doesn’t matter if they are entrepreneurs and businesswomen, for women everything is more difficult compared to men.

This is demonstrated by the Entrepreneurship X-ray published this Tuesday, International Day of Entrepreneurial Women.

While 52.9% of women entrepreneurs in Mexico are mothers, 7 out of every 10 of them assume responsibility for caring for their children, a situation that contrasts with male entrepreneurs, who depend 78.3% on their partners, mothers or mothers-in-law to care for them. to their descendants, according to the document.

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“In the 21st century, women still face a double or even triple work day; “In addition to their business and professional responsibilities, the demands of care work are added, all without sufficient support,” said Juana Ramírez, President of the Board of Directors of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Mexico (ASEM), who performed x-rays with support. by Siigo Aspel and EY.

On the other hand, motherhood and the responsibility of family care are key factors in women’s decision to found a company.

15.6% of entrepreneurial mothers mention schedule flexibility as a reason for starting a business and 16% indicate that they seek to improve family income. These reasons almost triple compared to men, who mention these same variables in percentages of 6.1% and 5.4%, respectively.

Meanwhile, the turnover levels of companies founded by women are five times lower than those of companies founded exclusively by men.

The financing outlook is not very encouraging either: male entrepreneurs enjoy four times more access to angel investors and high-risk credit than women, while mother entrepreneurs receive, on average, 24.6% less support from public and private organizations.

In conclusion, Juana Ramírez highlighted the importance of recognizing the work of women entrepreneurs, who pave the way for future generations.

“Although there is still much to do, with their individual and collective efforts, many entrepreneurial women are driving real change in Mexico, while building an equal future for future generations,” she stated.

Guadalupe Castañeda, EY Private Deputy Leader for LATAM, also mentioned that EY believes in the ability of women to overcome challenges and prosper, which is why they supported the X-ray of Entrepreneurship in Mexico Women’s edition.

“We are confident that this effort will strengthen their (women’s) confidence to achieve their full potential and inspire future generations of businesswomen,” she added.

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