The UN reminds Trump that immigrants arrest should be something ‘exceptional’


The United Nations Human Rights Office reminded the president of the US, Donald Trump, that migrants’ arrest, even if they are in an irregular situation, should be considered as the last resort and a totally exceptional measure.

“Migrants have human rights and these must be respected wherever they are. Immigrants’ arrest can only be used as a last resort and in exceptional circumstances, ”organism spokesman Jeremy Laurence told the press.

Asked about Trump’s order to use the detention center of the American Naval Base of Guantanam The rights of all, regardless of immigration status. ”

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Trump must respect human rights

It is also the responsibility of the states where migrants are “making sure they are treated in accordance with international human rights standards,” he added.

Trump signed an authorization this week for the use of Guantanamo for the arrest of immigrants after the start of the raids to find those who lack documents in order to be in the United States, as part of their mass deportation policy.

The customs immigration and control service will use a military base in the state of Colorado with the same purpose.

With EFE information.

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