The Russian veterans organization addressed the Russian authorities with the request to ban Turkish soap operas representing ideal men for contributing to the demographic crisis in Russia, since according to them women lose interest in Russian men.
“These soap operas create an idealized image of man, which negatively influences the perception of the Russian man, which contributes to the demographic crisis, since Russian women lose interest in the compatriots and travel to Turkey, which has already taken many tragic cases,” said the director of the organization faithful to the Kremlin, Ildar Reziapov, in a statement.
The petition, which was directed to the Ministry of Culture, to Roskomnadzor (agency responsible for monitoring and censoring the media in Russia) and Parliament, found support in the latter, although not for the same reason.
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They ask to ban Turkish soap operas because women lose interest in Russian men
“The most important reason is that the Turkish television series greatly falsify history, because when making films about the Ottoman Empire the Turkish authors fill them with pseudorromantic relations instead of violence and death,” said Deputy Vitali Milónov to a Russian medium.
The deputy of the ‘New People’ party, Sardana Avkséntieva, called “Filmar Series where Russian men look more handsome than the Turks.”
As in other countries, the Turkish series that are broadcast on streaming platforms are triumphing among the Russian public, being one of the most popular the soap opera ‘Is it that it is love?’
With EFE information.
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