President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday that prohibits the use of federal funds in schools that teach what “critical theory of the race” and other contents related to the breed and gender identity are considered.
Those educational centers that do not comply with this measure could lose their federal financing.
The order, aimed at schools for students between 5 and 18, establishes that federal funds cannot be used for the “indoctrination” of children with “anti -state ideologies”, such as the “radical gender ideology and the critical theory of the critical theory of the race ”.
“Imposing antiestado uniesto ideologies, subversive, harmful and false in the children of our nation not only violates in many cases the civil rights laws against discrimination, but also usurps the basic authority of the parents,” says the document signed by Trump.
The term “critical theory of the race” has been used by conservative EU sectors to encompass a wide variety of educational content they reject. However, in the academic field, this theory studies how racism is rooted in US laws and institutions.
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In addition, the order instructs the future Secretary of Education, Linda McMahon, and other senior government officials to develop, within 90 days, a strategy to “eliminate indoctrination” in schools.
McMahon, an exejecutive of the Warrings Wrestling Company World Wrestling Entertainment, must still receive the approval of the Senate to be able to assume the position of Secretary of Education.
During his campaign for the November elections, Trump promised that as soon as he arrived at the White House would sign an executive order, such as signed today, to cut the federal financing of schools that promote the critical theory of the race or content that he considers inappropriate .
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The federal government, however, has a limited power in the day -to -day life of the United States schools, which receive the largest amount of financing from state and local sources.
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