Wef announces the creation of a center for the development of AI in Paris • ia • Forbes Mexico


The World Economic Forum (Wef), organizer of the annual leaders’ meetings in Davos (Switzerland), announced Thursday the creation with the French Technological Forum Vivatech of the first European Center for the Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Paris this year.

The center of the Wef indicated in a statement, seeks to respond to the call to make Europe a prominent actor in this new technology (currently led by the US and China) that was done at the recent summit on this issue convened in the French capital by President Emmanuel Macron.

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WEF embrace in France in the AI ​​industry

“It will be developed from the role of France as a global actor in AI, supporting research between different countries, promoting ecosystems for the creation of emerging companies and promoting adoption responsible for artificial intelligence in society and companies,” said the Wef.

The initiative will be part of the Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Platform of Public and Private Institutions created by the World Economic Forum to adapt to the economic and social changes that are believed could be with the development of technologies such as AI or Robotics itself, among others.

With EFE information.

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