With an investment of 177 million dollars, Pemex will drill the deepest well in Mexico


Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) is going to drill the Kuajtla 1 well, which will be the deepest in its history, as it is located at a depth of 8,900 vertical meters and will involve an investment of more than 177 million dollars.

According to the exploration plan approved by the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH), this well is located in the Perdido Fold Belt and with this, the oil company will return to exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. Although it is not yet known how much crude oil this well could contain, some commissioners estimate that it could be equivalent to the Trión megafield.

“We are talking about hundreds of millions of equivalent crude oil, when we are used to seeing the order of tens, that means that the possibilities are very broad and it is the first well that would reach that depth in Mexico, that is relevant for Pemex and for Mexico ”, highlighted the head of the Technical Exploration and Supervision Unit of Pemex, Rodrigo Hernández Ordoñez.

Until last June, the oil company had announced the drilling of Iklum, with which it hoped to break the depth record in Mexico, by reaching 8,240 meters on land.

According to the approved project, the information obtained from the previous wells indicates that there are important opportunities, since these are the areas with the most potential, in addition to being adjacent to the Trión field, in which maximum production of 120.00 barrels of oil per day and 100 million cubic feet of gas.

“It is still too early to talk about profitability, but we can talk about the probability of success… (…)..in addition, its exploration will allow us to have more information and more experience, as well as the knowledge to know what possibilities More oil must continue to be found at those depths, where many resources can be found,” said Commissioner Valdemar Hernández Márquez.

Kuajtla 1 is in one of the earliest stages of exploration, but with this it will return to deep waters, since during the last six years, with the change in strategy, exploration and production focused on shallow waters.

“This project is very important because it is located in deep waters. (…) It is a strategic area, many hydrocarbon emissions have been recorded, it is presented as highly prospective due to the probability of finding better results,” highlighted commissioner Salvador Ortuño Arzate.

Finally, the president commissioner of the CNH, Agustín Díaz Lastra, indicated that it is important that Mexico continues carrying out previous explorations to search for reserves, since with this drilling what it is about is evaluating the oil system, in addition to the well in question could be compared with the dimensions of Trion.

“It is one of the best projects we have seen for the future,” and although two years of pre-exploratory work will be carried out, drilling would be done by the end of 2025 or beginning of 2026, he noted.

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