Zedillo • Forbes Politics • Forbes Mexico


Ernesto Zedillo assured that Mexico requires a leader who governs with authority and not an autocracy exercised by a leader hidden in an office attached to the presidency of the Republic.

“Mexicans need a president who governs a democratic country with great authority, with great power, with the rules of democracy,” declared the former president during the 2025 Economic Perspectives Seminar, organized by the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM).

“That is what we Mexicans need and we do not need a country that is a hegemonic party autocracy, where real and immense power is exercised by a leader installed hidden in the office attached to the Presidency of the Republic,” said the director of the Program. for the Study of Globalization at Yale University.

“We want a president who truly rules in accordance with constitutional powers, but who rules in accordance with the rules of a democratic Republic,” said Zedillo.

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He added that Mexico is not the most democratic country in the world, so it is necessary to stop and stop the changes to the Constitution undertaken by the Sheinbaum government.

“Until recently, Mexico aspired to be a democratic country in which the supremacy of the rule of law was well stipulated in the Constitution,” said Zedillo.

The former president recalled that Mexico could prove that in recent decades it had worked hard on political agreements necessary to build a true democracy.

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“And to have that support point of calling ourselves a democratic country, of calling ourselves that with the truth and the facts, as well as claiming the importance of the rule of law and showing that we were doing the things that our own interest dictates to move forward the economy of “Mexico must be the great card to play in the fight for defense against a possible destruction of the international order,” said Zedillo.

“Today I am very concerned that in a few months, Mexico seems to have lost the category of being a democratic country, which at least in principle believes and tries to apply the rule of law,” he noted.

He asserted that since September Mexico became an autocracy of a dominant party like Morena.

Zedillo said that “formally we called ourselves democracy, but in fact it is not democracy” when in the country there are no fair rules or institutions that guarantee the application of the rules to carry out correct electoral competition, nor is there an independent and professional Judiciary.

He declared that the reforms undertaken at the end of the 20th century with the participation of all political parties corrected the historical anomalies of autocracy: “All that has been destroyed in recent months and a judicial counter-reform has been approved that destroys professionalism and independence of the Judiciary.”

Zedillo pointed out that the judicial counter-reform makes that power a servant of the Executive and the party in power, which “disqualifies us as a democracy.”

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“The revocation of the mandate is a cyanide pill left in the Constitution, which is why the President of the Republic is required to eliminate it,” he stated.


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